


The hose pump belongs to the category of peristaltic pump. It is mainly composed of a special rubber hose corresponding to a pair of pressure rollers on the rotor assembly in the pump body. When the pressure roller rotates along the rubber hose, the pressure roller and the pump housing The squeezing force flattens the rubber hose. Under the elasticity of the hose itself and the force of the side guide rollers, the fluid material is sucked in by the vacuum generated by the original state. The material is discharged from the tube under the mechanical pressure of the pressure roller, and so on. , So as to achieve the purpose of continuous output of materials.


豫信致诚机械设备有限公司技术力量雄厚,设备先进, 黑龙江绥化边沟滑模机生产工艺规范,检测手段齐全,各项管理严格,加之多品种、系列化的配套服务,重质量、守信誉的经营战略,给企业带来了勃勃生机,成为黑龙江绥化创税大户。 企业衷心感谢各界朋友对我方 黑龙江绥化边沟滑模机产品的信任与支持,在今后的交往中,我们将一如既往,以“优异的 黑龙江绥化边沟滑模机产品、良好的信誉、贴心的服务”奉献给用户,造福社会。

软管泵的使用与维护<br />
软管泵的正常工作对整套钻探设备的生产效率起着很大的作用。正确维护和使用软管泵能提高钻进速度和纯钻进时间,保护孔内清洁,并能将井壁坍和卡钻事故减至小。因此我们应当做好泵的使用,维护和保养工作。为保护软管泵的寿命及其正常工作,必须从包装运输保存开始,直至安装使用和维护保养都精心注意。<br />
1、软管泵在开启前的维护与保养,在软管泵开动前应对软管泵系统作检查;对液力端的整个循环系统作仔细检查;<br />
2、软管泵在运转过程中的使用与维护,检查各运动件的润滑情况;要密切注意泥浆质量;注意压力表,阀工作是否正常;曲轴箱内的油温及缸套活塞副的温度不得过高。<br />!

化工行业,各种防腐蚀浆料和无机盐物料;石油、钻井、水处理、泥浆、石灰浆;采矿冶金的充填物料,矿浆输送;食品行业,油类物料及饮料,糊状料输送;造纸行业,纸浆、硫磺输送;建筑业,水泥沙浆、泡沫混凝土生产线,楼顶屋泡沫轻质流体物料;油漆、涂料、钛 、二氧化碳等物料输送。

Typical use of hose pump:
Chemical industry, various anti-corrosion slurry and inorganic salt materials; petroleum, drilling, water treatment, mud, lime slurry; filling materials for mining and metallurgy, slurry transportation; food industry, transportation of oil materials and beverages, paste; papermaking Industry, pulp and sulfur transportation; construction industry, cement mortar, foam concrete production line, rooftop foam light fluid materials; paint, coating, titanium dioxide, carbon dioxide and other materials transportation.
