普邦环保材料有限公司始终坚持认真严谨的原则稳步进取,不断发展壮大。 公司销售 辽宁本溪聚合氯化铝产品。公司以良好的信誉、优良的 辽宁本溪聚合氯化铝产品、雄厚的实力、低廉的价格享誉全国, 辽宁本溪聚合氯化铝产品深得客户信赖。 我们本着诚信为本的原则,以质量求生存,以信誉得发展的企业经营理念,不断开拓进取。
中航豫泓是一家专业生产销售蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭的厂家。主要产品有:蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭、防水型蜂窝活性炭、耐水型蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝活性炭块、圆柱形蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝形状活性炭等。公司一贯坚持“质量 ,用户至上,优质服务,守合同”的宗旨,凭借着高质量的产品,良好的誉,优质的服务,产品畅销全国近三十多个省、市、自治区以及远销日本、美国等 。竭诚与国内外商家双赢合作,共同发展,共创辉煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!
中航豫泓是一家专业生产销售蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭的厂家。主要产品有:蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭、防水型蜂窝活性炭、耐水型蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝活性炭块、圆柱形蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝形状活性炭等。公司一贯坚持“质量 ,用户至上,优质服务,守合同”的宗旨,凭借着高质量的产品,良好的誉,优质的服务,产品畅销全国近三十多个省、市、自治区以及远销日本、美国等 。竭诚与国内外商家双赢合作,共同发展,共创辉煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!
磷酸法制备活性炭的过程中,磷酸与木质纤维原料的作用机理可分为以下几个方面:润胀作用、加速活化作用、脱水作用、氧化作用和芳香缩合作用。 [2]
磷酸活化法的基本工艺包括木屑筛选、干燥、磷酸溶液配制、混合(或浸渍) 、炭化、活化、回收、漂洗(包括酸处理和水洗)、离心脱水、干燥与磨粉等工序,如生产颗粒活性炭还需增加捏合工艺。另外,附设专门的废气净化系统,回收烟气中的磷酸和炭粉,减少对环境的污染。磷酸活化法的生产工艺中,要注意在炭化段控制度,让磷酸充分渗透入木屑,再与活化段协同控制,可以明显提高活性炭吸附能力,产品质量稳定,同时适当降低活化温度对降低产品灰分有利。炭活化尾气采用多段液相回收可以增加磷酸和细炭粉的回收,采用高压静电方式也有利于尾气中焦油的去除。